EntroPay Player Reviews
Clever way of using credit cards at casinos online!

Rating: by: juliette, on December 26, 2009
Pros: Good alternative that still lets you use your credit card to deposit.
Cons: Take a bit longer to get up and running playing at online casinos.

If you're having problems using credit cards at online casinos all hope isn't lost and you have options to consider before abandoning the prospect of playing at online casinos. Where there's a will there's a way and the online gambling industry is one of the most prosperous industries I've ever come across in my years online.

So if you're having problems making deposits with your credit card not to worry EntroPay is here and can help. Entropay is a payment solution that will allow you to create a virtual card holder account though their system which can then in turn be used to make deposits using your own credit card at their casino. I think it's one of the most innovative concepts that I've seen in terms of payment options in this industry. It's certainly not as convenience as a straight deposit using your credit card but none the less it's a worthwhile inconvenience in the even that you're not able to play at the online casino you want to though your credit card.

I'm now seeing more and more online casinos offering this banking option so the choices of where you can use Entropay really aren't limited. I think that it's a good first line of attach after you find that you're getting a credit card denial for depositing at online casinos. Check it out or even just visit their website and take a look around to see what I'm talking about!


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Comment by: Bob Caiden On: January 06, 2010
I've heard nothing but good things about this solution. I suppose it's most useful in cases where you're playing at an online casino and getting consistent rejections or something that makes it worth while using as opposed to using your credit card straight up with the casinos that you play at online.

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